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Healing Frequenciesby Liliana Usvat Planets have a vast network of frequency harmonizers, telepathic transmitters and other healing devices along natural ley lines and vortices, to energize those power points with free energy amplifiers programmed with high consciousness wisdom while empowering a planetary energy grid harnessed by their civilizations. Ancient human cultures from India South Africa, Australia Arizona, and Peru have known these sacred devices left on Earth by those from the heavens above, often called talking, singing or ringing stones. They were disposed along telluric ley lines, forming the nervous system of Mother Earth that the Aboriginal Australian call the “song lines of the Rainbow Serpent” and the Chinese the Dragon Lines. As science now discovers, frequencies like sound for instance when tunned and harmonized precisely to create a specific resonance can create complex geometric patterns in malleable substances, make objects levitate, boil water or make it levitate in a ball, cause molecular structures to transform, to melt hard rock or turn it into an easily malleable substance as seen in ancient megalithic monuments. When waves are tuned in alternating pairs, they are called scalar waves and maintain portals opened. The ever-present infinite reservoir and ever-flowing stream of free energy in its many forms through the cosmos can be made available only through the understanding of cosmic interdimensional connectivity. Tesla insisted that we must understand the waves emanating from the 2D, to understand the universe. Acting as antennas capturing waves of diverse frequencies, or as focal points for plasma to condense, like the masts of sailboats or the druidic or shamanic staffs, that could capture the plasmic flows into a glowing hazy cloud of ionized electrons that consciousness can direct for various uses, pyramids, obelisks, crystals, rings, dorje or vajra, and other geometrical devices tune frequencies into free energy. Magnetic fields influence not only physical health, but also moods in general, and psychic potential. When sacred geometry symbols known as yantra are activated with sound vibrations such as mantras, it amplifies the ripple effect of moving form or mudra, which makes the fabrics of the life web or “tantra’. The real meaning of the word tantra refers to the cosmic symbiosis of harmonious interconnection. Those free energy transmitters and frequency tuners were conceived to pass the test of time and last. Acting as interdimensional portals, by channelling waves of various frequencies and directing them to cross the nexus points, creating electrical discharges bringing different dimensional continuums, they tap into the vast reservoir of Alter – Matter, condensing it into ionic plasma, providing quasi-infinite power. In the past, highly advanced spiritual civilizations with a large megalithic megalopolis, sophisticated machinery and fleets of star ships were entirely powered by harmoniously harnessing free energy from its most abundant natural sources. This seems far out of reach for humanity but we are reaching a level of technology where we can either make terrible choices causing doom or wiser ones that can lead us out of decaying chaos. Bibliography |
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